Thursday, August 04, 2005

Thneeds 'n' Things

Look! Look! My adorable daddy finally learned how to use the digital camera I gave him for Father's Day!! He is the cutest. This is his kitty, Chanel, who I think he might love more than me, but I'm not sure. I'm an only child, so having a sibling to compete with is new for me. I'm sure he loves me as much as the cat...I think...

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So, yesterday, as I was doing a Google image search to locate an image of a "thneed" to illustrate my post about my Portland Snot Thneed, I happened upon this poor dear.

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I'm sure she's a lovely person (which is why I blacked out her eyes, a la "Fashion Don't" style), but really...just because you can knit it, doesn't mean you should...
So, instead of knitting a thneed, or any of the crazy "hip" knits featured in that link you should all be clicking on for a great laugh, I decided to knit the May hat in the Rowan Big Wool pattern book. It's going to match my beautiful first scarf...
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And just cuz the little weasel is SO cute...
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And here I am, updating this blog when I really should be spending the precious hour I have before my next eHarmony date either napping or knitting! That's it, my yarn is calling me...


Blogger Vanessa said...

A thneed... I've wondered what those were called.
Your puppy is adorable!

9:17 PM  

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